August 22, 2013

Pet Food Storage

pet food storage in an Ikea wicker hamper via

How do you store your pets food?  With 2 big Golden Retrievers that eat twice a day in our house, we needed a place to store their food that wasn't an eyesore, yet was convenient.  We previously kept their food in an old Rubbermaid bin in our basement, but we got tired of schlepping up and down to feed them.  I shouldn't say we, it's our middle guy, Kyle's, responsibility to feed the dogs and he does a great job.  Now, we keep a bin inside a hamper that we purchased at Ikea.  It sits right in our kitchen...

pet food storage in an Ikea wicker hamper via

The bin holds a bag of their food and a measuring cup.  Their food bowls are kept in there as well.  They do have water available to them all the time, but it isn't necessary to keep their food bowls out because they eat all their food at mealtimes and they sit empty the rest of the day.

pet food storage in an Ikea wicker hamper via

We keep their treats in the mudroom, the door they come in and out most often.

dog treats in mud room via

Our dogs truly are a part of our family.   

golden retriever reading a book via
Matt reads Forrest a story.
Billy and Keeper in the snow.

So it makes sense that we store their food where we eat and they eat, in the kitchen.


  1. They are just darling! We keep our dog food in a plastic bin in the vacuum cleaner closet just off the kitchen...which is convenient since we are always vacuuming up her fur!

    1. I hear you about the fur, Shelley! We have no closets on the kitchen level of our split level house so we needed to come up with a different plan. I could (should) vacuum everyday and still there would be fur all over the house. Good thing they are worth it!!

  2. And they leave that bin alone??? My big ol' Labs would have knocked it over and emptied it in NO time! (And that's probably why you DON'T have Labs! LOL!)

    1. You know, Denise, I never even thought about them knocking it over! My dogs are not perfectly behaved by any means, but they have never even tried to get at their food in there. I'm sure if there was some "people" food in there, it might be a different story :)
      P.S.-I LOVE labs!! My brother had one that I used to petsit when they went on vacation and he was such an awesome dog.

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